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Top Small Animal Sonographic Pathology

This image and video library serves as an excellent reference for both beginning and experienced sonographers.

  • The collection is a compilation of still images and videos that encompass the expected normal views for the heart. Sonographic changes in mature to geriatric patients (age-related changes) that do not have apparent pathology, but may have ultrasound findings that differ from normal and yet are clinically insignificant are also included.
  • Still Images and Videos. The expected normal views for the heart.

  • Age-Related Changes. Sonographic changes in mature to geriatric patients that do not have apparent pathology, but may have ultrasound findings that differ from normal and yet are clinically insignificant

  • Efficiency Clips. Single, 3-second maneuvers that capture 80-120 still images in one video. The traditional views offer precise target landmarks to use while performing the maneuver. In the Clips, dynamic angles of tissue adjacent to the target organs are also captured in order to maximize the available information in and around the organ, which is essential in many interpretations. These maneuvers also allow the sonographer to store or transfer a case in as efficient a manner as possible.



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Top Small Animal Sonographic Pathology


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