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Sonographic Approach to the Spleen

What You'll Get From Sonographic Approach to the Spleen


When is a spleen normal and what does it mean when it isn’t? Comprehensive presentation of normal splenic parameters and every splenic pathology in cats and dogs, guidelines for imaging for a full evaluation, sampling, and review of every type of lesion, mass, disease process with illustrative imaging, and case studies “what are your differentials”.



  • How to image the normal and abnormal spleen
  • Ascertaining the origin of the pathology
  • When, why and how to sample
  • Presentation of imaging examples of every splenic presentation from common to rare
  • Evaluation of lesions and infectious presentations

As a student, you'll get a few great benefits from being here:

  • Access exclusive content. We've designed the Sonographic Approach to the Spleen to inspire, instruct, and engage.

  • Meet new people. Your fellow students are as motivated as you are to master what we're exploring here in Sonographic Approach to the Spleen.

  • Get results. As you dive into the course content and meet the community here in Sonographic Approach to the Spleen, you're on a path of mastery. While it's not necessarily easy, the transformation we'll get together matters.

Intellectual Property Statement


The content of this course, video and procedures are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. This video and/or education information is ONLY for non-commercial private viewing and individual private use only.


Any distribution, sharing, copying, teaching, transmission, public performance, alteration, or reverse engineering outside private individual use of purchaser (unless expressly authorized by SonoPath) is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and or civil liability.

Sonographic Approach to the Spleen

  • You will earn 1 RACE approved CE credit after pass a quiz with 70% or higher. Your CE Certificate will be sent via email.

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