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SDEP® Echo Emergency: Canine & Feline

Earn .50 RACE CE Credit
Unlimited Access (courses never expire)
Available on any device


SDEP® Echo Emergency: Learn to acquire full sonograms in slightly longer timeframes than FAST scanning, while gaining a vast amount of clinical data to improve diagnostic efficiency. 

In this series, Dr. Lindquist walks you through the needed probe movements on his patient with associated ultrasound images.


Students should be familiar with the SDEP® Echo Progression before purchasing this module. 



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The content of this course, video and procedures are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. This video and/or education information is ONLY for non-commercial private viewing and individual private use only.


Any distribution, sharing, copying, teaching, transmission, public performance, alteration, or reverse engineering outside private individual use of purchaser (unless expressly authorized by SonoPath) is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and or civil liability.

SDEP® Echo Emergency: Canine & Feline

  • You will earn .50 RACE approved CE credits after you pass a quiz with a 70% or higher. Your CE certificate will be sent via email. 

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