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Reproductive Clinical Sonography

The Birds & The Bees of Veterinary Reproductive Clinical Sonography

You should be able to achieve these views every time; if you are not then you are potentially missing pathology. The 6 lessons include Anatomy and understanding, step-by-step instructions on image acquisition, as well as hand and probe positioning. Common challenges and practical solutions are covered. Lessons include a combination of still images, video clips, and downloadable Bootcamp audio files to help coach you to a more efficient image acquisition. 

Areas of focus include:

  • Testicles
  • Testicular Pathology
  • The Prostate
  • Prostatic Pathology
  • Ovaries and Uterus
  • Ovarian Pathology


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The content of this course, video and procedures are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. This video and/or education information is ONLY for non-commercial private viewing and individual private use only.


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Reproductive Clinical Sonography


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