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MSK US - Stifle: Protocol & Pathologies

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Instructor Dr. Nele Eley, DVM, Dr. med. Vet. Dip. ECVDI (Radiology)


Program Description:
Understanding indications for using ultrasound in the canine stifle. Image review of pathologies that affect the stifle region.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn sonographic approaches for MSK ultrasound of the stifle region
  • Understand common pathologies that affect the stifle, and how to identify them on ultrasound images.


About Dr. Nele Eley, DVM, Dr. med. Vet. Dip. ECVDI (Radiology)


European Specialist in Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging & Senior lecturer University of Giessen/Germany, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Radiology. Dr. Ondreka consults from her base at the University of Geissen.

Origin: Frankfurt, Germany


  • Rotational Internship: small animal internal medicine and surgery
  • 8 years of specialty Practice experience in Diagnostic Imaging
  • Specialist training: Residency of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging with board certification in 2013
  • Specialty degree Radiology (nat. cert.) cert. hip and elbow dysplasia consultant – FCI/IEWG


  • University of Giessen, Germany
  • VetSuisse Faculty Berne, Switzerland
  • University of Ghent, Belgium
  • VetSuisse Faculty Zurich, Switzerland

Since the successful completion of my training programmes as a Specialist in Radiology, I am a Senior lecturer University of Giessen/Germany, Veterinary Faculty, Department of Radiology. Next to Resident and Student training I am a frequent speaker on national and international conferences and CPD courses. I am servicing general and specialty practices as a teleradiology consultant and a number of FCI registered kennel Clubs as consultants for hip and elbow dysplasia. My research focuses on advanced cross-sectional imaging modalities, kinematics of the spine, achondroplasia, hydrocephalus, and Chiari-like malformation.


I am enthusiastic about 'small part ultrasonography' namely its application in the musculoskeletal system, peripheral nerves, neck, head, eye, and more… Small part ultrasonography proves to be an up-to-date modality daily in the cases I see whilst we’ve arrived in the age of MRI and CT. So I’m always very pleased to contribute to the literature on this important and interesting subject next to my current main research focuses in cross sectional imaging and kinematics.



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The content of this course, video and procedures are protected under copyright and other intellectual property laws. This video and/or education information is ONLY for non-commercial private viewing and individual private use only.


Any distribution, sharing, copying, teaching, transmission, public performance, alteration, or reverse engineering outside private individual use of purchaser (unless expressly authorized by SonoPath) is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and or civil liability.


MSK US - Stifle: Protocol & Pathologies

  • You will earn 1 RACE approved CE credits after you pass a quiz with a 70% or higher. Your CE certificate will be sent via email. 

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