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This 1-hour online CE program will discuss the differences and individual benefits of both CT and ultrasound, as well as the combined benefit for patients. When should you pick up the probe or schedule a CT depending on the symptoms, clinical signs, and other diagnostics. CT: head, spine, neck, skeleton, thorax, abdomen, pelvic canal, perineum. US: head, MSK, thorax, abdomen. Case studies with sampling and cytologic findings will be presented and discussed.



A great follow up course for this would be: Basic Ultrasound Image Optimization


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Any distribution, sharing, copying, teaching, transmission, public performance, alteration, or reverse engineering outside private individual use of purchaser (unless expressly authorized by SonoPath) is strictly prohibited and may result in criminal and or civil liability.

CTUSS: The Key to Global Diagnostic Efficiency in Veterinary Medicine


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